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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Baking For Vegans

All photos on this blog are property of Pat Anthony 
unless otherwise stated. 

If you live a vegan lifestyle you know how serious it is to those who share your concerns about food. When we bake we are always able to make substitutions-but some are surprised to hear what we use!

Today we made a pile of cookies using a recipe right off the oatmeal box. Instead of butter we use a vegan margarine. Easy to find, but it does not say on the package that it is vegan. There are many available-just read the labels and you will see there is no animal product in many margarine products. You can also use nut butters, such as almond butter or peanut butter as a substitute.

To skip the eggs-easy to do. We have always left the eggs out of the recipes and instead used applesauce or pumpkin. My grandmother often used substitutions because at the time there was no such thing as going to the store to get what you wanted when you ran out of something!

We use nuts in many recipes and our cookies are no exception. For chocolate chips some use carob chips which are available in health food store. We don't like carob-we like chocolate! And here's the deal on chocolate: It does not  to contain milk. Even milk chocolate does not have to contain milk. Read the ingredients on a package of Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips:

Ingredients: Semi-sweet chocolate (sugar, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin-an emulsifier, vanilla).

Many who are vegan would avoid this product because it does say on the bag the chips are made in a facility that processes milk.

Some don't know that cocoa butter does not have butter made from milk.  It is actually the vegetable fat that is produced from the cacoa bean. Some pronounce it coco butter and mistakenly think it is from the coconut. 

So you can be vegan and have your chocolate too!

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are you getting enough protein?

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to Pat Anthony

Make your own high protein bread. 
Adding protein to your diet is a simple thing to do. For those of us who do not eat animal products the addition of a few nuts several times a day will do the trick.

When adding protein to our diet many of us enjoy beans as a compliment to a meal. This will surely take care of most protein needs, however-what if you do not want to eat beans with each meal?

Wheat and other grains can contain protein. Read packages so that you know what you are eating. It is true that the human body will make a certain amount of protein when fed correctly. The problem here is that most of us do not eat what we should and will pay the price at some point.

If you are a meat eater or use dairy products getting enough protein should not be an issue.

How much protein do you typically need? A person who weighs 150 pounds should get around 55 grams of proteins daily. Someone who weighs 200 pounds needs about 74 grams of protein.

One way to add protein to your day if you are not a meat eater is by using a soy based protein powder. If you can tolerate soy (and not everyone can) this can be added to beverages or recipes to increase your protein intake.

Why should you care about adding protein to your diet? If you do not get enough protein your body will begin to use YOU as the source of  protein. This will begin to happen within a day or two of missing protein. It is thought that this is why many older adults have more body fat even when they do not weigh too much.

To get enough protein adding breads and cereals that are higher in protein to your daily menu may help. Don't forget that fruit does contain some protein, while vegetables are higher in protein. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily may be your answer.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Which Vegetables Are The Best?

 All photos on our blogs
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Is it true that we should eat fresh vegetables only? Will eating canned vegetables harm us in some way?

Many people believe that only fresh vegetables should be consumed, while others seem to do just fine no matter what they eat.

Fresh vegetables are probably the best choice in most cases. We should also consider buying what we can get that is grown where we live. Food from the neighbors backyard would be better than what must be trucked from a thousand miles away.

The next choice for vegetables may be frozen. There are times when we can't get what we want in the produce aisle. Also the prices are sometimes so high our budget won't handle it. 

The last vegetables we would choose would be canned. Vegetables that are canned are processed more than those that are frozen. This does not mean the product won't taste good. There is just some disagreement about whether canned foods contain the same nutrients as other foods.

When you do buy fresh vegetables be sure to wash them thoroughly. Whether organic or not, vegetables need to be cleaned. Don't think because a bag says the vegetables you are buying were washed you don't have to also give them a good dunking!

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Are colorful foods better for us?

 All photos on our blogs 
belong to Pat Anthony


 Do you think eating foods for health will make a difference? Think about this:

When it comes to foods for health, color may be the key. Those who believe in color therapy claim the color purple is healing. Seeing the color on a daily basis is thought to help us feel better.Other colors are important too.

Why are the colors of  foods important? Most of us already know that the darker the color of a food the more nutrients they contain. The pigments in a carrot or red pepper do make a difference. Antioxident levels are higher in such foods as are levels of beta caratene. So why not eat foods that have rich colors and be one step ahead by possibly ensuring better health with colorful foods.

White foods-breads, pastas-anything that is bleached or processed to death is of no value. We are now able to find all foods, including cereals, pastas and breads made with whole grains. There is no reason to continue eating what is basically glue, and of no benefit to us.

Foods for health that you may want to add if you don't already include these would be brocolli, Brussells sprouts and dark green salads. These can be spinach, kale, romaine-they're all good.

Adding foods for health if you are not into eating well can be a challenge. You may have to add a little fruit and vegetables at a time until you are eating enough to feel a difference. And you will feel a difference if you switch from worthless, empty calorie foods to whole foods.

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Lowering Blood Pressure With Food

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If you have been told you have high blood pressure, you may want to consider using food to solve your problem. Prescription medication may help, but you might not want to deal with the side effects. Foods may help you without side effects.

Fresh vegetables are a good choice. Once you have been told you have high blood pressure, have a discussion with your doctor about dietary changes. Ask for a list of foods that will help you, and a list of foods to avoid. Also, do some research about the subject. With the internet available, there is no reason not to be informed.

Shop for fresh vegetables, considering only the ones you will actually eat. If they are going to sit on a kitchen counter to spoil, they can't help you! Celery is thought to be especially helpful. However, studies show that the more vegetables and fruits consumed by a person, the less likely blood pressure issues occur.

Shop for fresh fruits. If you can't find what you are looking for in the produce section, consider frozen. Try to eat fruit before each meal. Oranges, cantaloupes, strawberries and bananas are considered good choices. Yet, all fruits are good for you.

Substitute plain water for drinks that can contain a lot of salt and sugar. If you absolutely can't enjoy plain water, add some flavoring at home. Commercial products are not only expensive, these drinks often include chemical additives most of us can't even pronounce.

If you are not in the habit of eating fruits and vegetables daily, here is one way to start: Have a small amount of fresh fruit before breakfast and lunch. Have a small salad before dinner. As this becomes a habit, add more fruits and vegetables. As time passes, consider eating only fruit and vegetables 1 or 2 days each week.

Keep a close check on what you are putting into your body that could raise your blood pressure. Adding condiments that are full of salt can undo your efforts. Read labels.

A variation of this article was posted by 
betterbody on eHow, Bukisa and a
million other places on the net.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

Cholesterol can be lowered with foods!

Okay, so you have read that blood pressure can be lowered by adding some foods to your menu. So, what about lowering cholesterol?

Here's the thing: You should considered taking some medication while you are lowering your cholesterol unless your physician says it is okay to wait. And this is why: You are a ticking time bomb if you have extremely high cholesterol. Changing the numbers on your cholesterol test is not something that happens overnight. However, with some serious effort, you can will see results soon.

Adding just a few raw nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, to your menu daily will make a different. I am amazed when I am told by some they do not care for nuts.

Add oatmeal daily in the form of cereal, or baked into foods. Adding blueberries or raisins to your oatmeal can help a little more.

During this time begin to eliminate the foods that are filling your arteries. Red meat should be checked off the list, and replaced by chicken and fish. Your heart will thank you for this.

Once each day eat a small salad with olive oil. If you are into salad, you may consider having just salad two nights each week to help your cholesterol numbers further. If you are not happy with salad, think variety. Add tomatoes, cucumbers, raw squash, seeds, or any raw vegetable you like. It definitely does not have to be just lettuce.

Avocado is considered a healthy fat. If you like avocado sliced, or in the form of guacamole, you are helping yourself in your quest for better health.

Think about the overall diet you have been enjoying. Consider adding beans and vegetables to make recipes that are filled with fiber. Fiber of any sort will help you lower your cholesterol, but your have to be consistent. You can't have apple crisp once a week, and think you are doing something great. Your body needs a fighting chance, so feed your cells what it needs!

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Is a vegan lifestyle for you?


If you have seriously considered living as a vegan, there may be some things you need to know. Many have become vegan for reasons you might not expect. You don't need a particular reason to eat this way-if it is your preference, just do it.

The first thing you might do if you would like to eat as a vegan is go through your home and remove foods that you will not be using. Some feel they should finish what is on hand, as they are slowly adding more vegetables and fruits. In today's economy, your budget may demand this.

Next, you will want to be sure you have plenty of the right food choices in your home before you begin. Vegetables, fruits, whole grain pasta, nuts, seeds, and just about anything you like that is not an animal product can be used. Whether you are going it alone, or with other family members, you do not want to be without the choices you need. If the entire family is doing this, your life will be less complicated.

After purchasing the foods you have decided will help you remain on track, consider how you will prepare them. If you do not know anything about vegan recipes, you will find plenty of information on the internet. For most, it's fairly easy. Fresh vegetables and fruits need no preparation other than cleaning, and slicing. If this is the way you prefer your foods, meals will be easy. You can try casserole recipes you normally make, replacing animal products with beans or vegetables that you like. You might surprise yourself with some great new meal ideas.

Nuts, seeds, and fruits make easy vegan snacks or meals. Be sure to include enough nuts, beans, and other proteins in your diet. Look for recipes to make cereals, and breads. You may be surprised to see not only how easy it is to make these items, but how inexpensive homemade is compared to sugary boxed products.

Use items purchased in a grocery store to prepare vegan meals. All packaged foods can be replaced with natural products. Larger grocery stores , such as Ingles, and Publix, carry most of the items you once only found in local health food stores. Check your area for food cooperatives that order organic foods in bulk so that all can benefit.

Be prepared to have people try to argue the point that you have to eat the way they do to live. Remember, it is about choice-and your choice is your business. Be certain you are eating enough, and eating a variety of foods. Great information is available at www.vegan.org. Look for other internet sites that point you in the right direction.

Eating as a vegan may cause you to loose unwanted pounds. You may also notice your skin and hair looks better. Could it be from all the nutrients in the fruits and vegetables you are consuming?

While you are adjusting to not having animal products on your plate, think about other areas of your life where animal products are used. What about your leather furniture, and clothing made from animals. This is another personal choice, but if you call yourself vegan, you not only want to rid your home of those items when you can, but personal products as well. You may be surprised to find lotions, shampoos, tooth paste, and body wash sometimes contain animal products. Read the labels. Manufacturers can include an ingredient we can't identify in a product, and we find we have purchased something we don't want to use.

If you find a vegan menu is just not for you, but you feel strongly about not eating animal flesh, maybe you should include milk and eggs in your plan. Lacto ovo vegetarians eat milk products, such as yogurt, and cheese. They also eat eggs, and use them in recipes. It's your life. You decide.

Photos on this blog are

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Pat Anthony/betterbody

This info was
also published
on eHow.com

Healthy Lifestyle

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Vegan Living

Many think living as a vegan must be hard to do. Actually, I think people who don't live vegan have a harder time. All the meal prep involved with cooking foods can become a little tedious I would guess.

Living vegan just means you don't eat or use animal products. Instead of have to kill a chicken, you can just eat an apple or a banana, have a few nuts, and call it breakfast.Vegans do not use animal products in any form, including for clothing or skin and hair care.

Someone incorrectly think you must eat animal protein. Actually the human body does just fine without animal products. Read Genesis 1:29, and you may see why.

Most vegans do not care what others eat, they just don't want meat, dairy, etc. It doesn't always have to do with health issues, although I know many who became vegan for health reasons. For many it is just a matter of preference. I for one have never been a fan of meat, but tolerated fish and poulty for years. Eventually I felt it was time to abandon that ship too!

What do vegans eat? Most eat the same things you do, just without the animal products. So, if you are having a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato, a vegan will skip the turkey. So simple.
